Educational Reference Sites part 1 /////////////////////////////////// Kevin's Prairie Dog Town gopher to: One of the most interesting places for students and educators to visit on the Internet. Much to do and much to see - it's never a boring visit. ------------------------- Education site WWW ------------------------- AskERIC (find and search for Educational resources on the Internet) gopher to: Telnet to: log in as "gopher" ------------------------- Library of Congress Gopher gopher to: Library of Congress WWW site ------------------------- US Dept. of Education gopher to: ------------------------- Smithsonian Institutue in Washington, D.C., US ftp to: Huge database of info and pictures! Smithsonian Institute WWW page Wonderfully done - a virtual tour and more of the world famous institute. ------------------------- US Department of Education Gopher to: Contains an extensive set of documents and information relating to education and educational issues. ------------------------- The White House (Wash, DC, USA) FTP to: start in the --> /pub/political-science Gopher to: ------------------------- The White House WWW site Contains info, links and virtual tours of the White House. ------------------------- The White House, Washington, D.C. gopher to: ftp to: The generalized address - has a lot of info to offer! ------------------------- International Centre for Distance Learning web page Global learning center promotes learning across boundaries and the sharing of information on a world-wide scope. Many countries are involved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New York State Education Department's unix5 gopher gopher:// Gopher to: Info on the NYSE Dept unix5 gopher Conferences, Calls for Papers - Announcement of a summer institute on Geometry, the Internet and the Coalition of Essential Schools - Conference on supporting the emotional needs of gifted children - Update on the Society and the Future of Computing conference - Call for papers for Information Seeking in Context conference Education News - Scientists Standing By - 800 number available on Apr 26 - Internet Public Library now online Government Info Internet Resources - Software - Disinfectant3.6 K-12 Resources - Arts & Humanities - The Gallery - Cezanne's "Houses Along a Road": from Usenet - Renoir's "Roses and Jasmine in a Delft Vase": from Usenet - Renoir's "Low Tide at Yport": from Usenet - Pisarro's "The Fair in Dieppe, Sunny Morning": from Usenet - Cezanne's "Mont Sainte-Victoire": from Usenet - Disability Resources & Information - English - The Library - General - Pointer to the Teacher Education Internet Server - An article by Meredith Ludwig discusses commonalities between Higher Education and K-12 in how they use technologies and suggesting ways in which they could learn from each other - Education Technology - Pointer to the Distance Education gopher at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - Pointer to Educational Technology Initiatives at University of Warwick, UK - Pointer to the Information Technology Training Initiative gopher - Pointer to the Instruction Development Services gopher - Pointer to the Online Journal of Distance Education and Communication archive - Health, PhysEd and HomeEc - Languages Other than English - Math, Science & Technology - Math Topics - Pointer to Journal of Statistics Education archive - Science, Ecology - Pointer to University of Idaho's EM Power 4-H waste management curriculum for grades 6 through 9 - Technology - Pointer to Journal of Technology Education archive - Occupational and Technical - Other Educational Gophers - Pointer to the International Education Forum gopher - Social Studies - American Studies, Scenes and People, California - Photo of beach in northern California, near Mendocino - Photo of redwood forest near Leggett, California - American Studies, Scenes and People, Washington - Three photos of the rain forest, Olympia National Park, near Forks, Washington TelecommInfo - Reading Room - Reference Desk TelecommNews - Odd de Presno's The Online World has now become a hypertext document on the Web - The Richmond Journal of Law and Technology now available on the Web - GopherVR for Unix, Xwindows available - The home page for Information Technology in a Globay Society is now open --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ED/OERI World Wide Web/Gopher/FTP Servers Please read the following digest for site information and Internet access to the educational resources. U.S. Department of Education (ED) Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) Recent Additions to ED/OERI WWW/Gopher/FTP/Mail Servers Recent noteworthy additions to the ED/OERI World Wide Web, Gopher, FTP, and Mail Servers include the following: * 1994 Condition of Education * Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) * 68 new ERIC Digests (All of the above files are available in ASCII plain text format; many are also available in html format. All are available through World Wide Web as well as Gopher and most are available through FTP and our Almanac mail server. See the end of this message for access instructions.) In addition, significant changes to our World Wide Web site include: * An Invitation to Your Community (new hypertext version) * Redesigned "Other Educational Resources" Area 1994 Condition of Education --------------------------- The 1994 Condition of Education, one of the major annual publications of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), includes sixty indicators on the condition of education. It provides a means to report where progress is being made in education and where it is not, to draw attention to emerging issues, and to inform the ongoing policy debate. The sixty indicators are organized into six sections: * Access, Participation, and Progress * Achievement, Attainment, and Curriculum * Economic and Other Outcomes of Education * Size, Growth, and Output of Educational Institutions * Climate, Classrooms, and Diversity in Educational Institutions * Human and Financial Resources of Educational Institutions Instead of separating elementary and secondary education from postsecondary education indicators, the volume integrates issues ranging from early childhood education to postsecondary education into each of the six sections. The main textual sections of the volume may be viewed online. The complete contents of each section are available for downloading in a compressed file which contains all text and tables in ASCII and graphics in GIF format. The 1994 Condition is available on the Gopher under: Educational Research, Improvement, and Statistics (OERI & NCES)/ National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)/ NCES Publications and Reports/ Major NCES Publications/ Condition of Education/ Condition of Education 1994/ or, on World Wide Web, use the URL: gopher:// Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) --------------------------------------------------------------- The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), which the Department has traditionally provided to its discretionary and formula grant recipients only in a printed edition, is now also available electronically for online browsing and downloading. Composed of Parts 74-86 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, EDGAR governs the administration of discretionary and formula grants awarded by the Department. Traditionally, EDGAR has been one of the Department's most popular publications, with tens of thousands of copies being distributed across the nation to grant recipients and the public each year. While EDGAR continues to be available in print format, it is hoped that this new electronic version will improve service to the Department's customers by offering very rapid access to the regulatory texts for searching citations and printing locally with downloaded files. The online version is the same text as the printed edition with the cover date of January 1, 1995. Each part of EDGAR may be viewed or downloaded separately. The entire document is available as a single compressed file for downloading. Look on the Gopher under: U.S. Department of Education Programs-General Information/ Grant-Related Information - Publications and Notices/ Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)/ or, on World Wide Web, use the URL: gopher:// New ERIC Digests ---------------- Sixty-eight new ERIC Digests have been added to the full-text searchable WAIS database. The WAIS database now contains a total of 1,368 ERIC Digests. The full text of each Digest is included, along with selected information from the ERIC bibliographic record--author, title, publication date, and ERIC descriptors and identifiers. ERIC Digests are: o short reports (1,000 - 1,500 words) on topics of prime current interest in education. o targeted specifically for teachers, administrators, policymakers, and other practitioners, but generally useful to the broad educational community. o designed to provide an overview of information on a given topic, plus references to items providing more detailed information. o produced by the 16 subject-specialized ERIC Clearinghouses, and reviewed by experts and content specialists in the field. o funded by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), of the U.S. Department of Education (ED). The WAIS database may be accessed under: Educational Research, Improvement, and Statistics (OERI & NCES)/ Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)/ How to Search ERIC Digests. Search ERIC Digests On World Wide Web, use the URL: gopher:// <- How to Search gopher:// <- Search An Invitation to Your Community (new hypertext version) ------------------------------------------------------ Several months ago, the U.S. Department of Education issued a 44- page booklet on Goals 2000. "An Invitation to Your Community," as it's called, is designed to help schools & communities develop their own comprehensive plans and broad-based partnerships for moving all children toward high academic standards. At the heart of this booklet are *questions* that schools & communities can use to figure out "where we are today" in relation to "where we want to be," and "how we're going to get there. These questions are organized around elements that are essential for comprehensive, standards-based school improvement. You can get the booklet by calling 1-800-USA-LEARN. You can get much more, however, if you go to the Web version of this booklet. The Web version of "An Invitation to Your Community" offers links to more than 40 documents, sites, and collections of information. These links take you to academic standards and documents about standards, the National Education Goals Panel report and the Panel's "Tool Kit", national research centers on student assessment and adult literacy, promising programs and Blue Ribbon Schools, "Prisoners of Time" and "Special Strategies for Educating Disadvantaged Children," and information on family involvement, school-to-work, Goals 2000, the Improving America's Schools Act, technology, and more. The URL is: An ASCII text version of the publication is available for Gopher users to view or download under: Department-wide Initiatives (Goals 2000...)/ Goals 2000 Initiative/ An Invitation to Your Community/ Redesigned "Other Educational Resources" Web Area ------------------------------------------------- We have redesigned the "Other Educational Resources" area of the INet World Wide Web Server. The new version offers for the first time a complete list of known ED-supported public access Internet sites. It also includes representative samples of Internet resources in several categories: * educational and library resources at other Federal agencies; * general catalogs and subject trees of Internet sites, with a focus on educational resources; * lists of Internet sites at K-12 schools, state and local education agencies, postsecondary institutions, and libraries; * educational associations and organizations; * curricular resources and networking projects; and * publishers' and vendors' educational Internet sites. There is a live hypertext link to each site mentioned. The URL is: What's New ---------- The ED/OERI Gopher Server is continuously updated with new press releases, grant announcements, publication summaries, and statistical datasets. New material on GOALS 2000, School-to-Work, Parental Involvement, and ESEA Schoolwides is also added frequently. To quickly find new items on the Gopher, follow the path: What's New in This Gopher/ What's New (Format: nn=#days back or mm/dd/yy=since date) and enter a search string in one of the formats indicated. The Gopher will quickly build you a menu of items added or changed during that time. A chronological list of significant additions to the ED/OERI World Wide Web Server is accessible near the top of the home page. U.S. Department of Education Internet Services -- Access Instructions --------------------------------------------------------------------- The U.S. Department of Education maintains several types of Internet servers and tries to make all its holdings accessible to the public through as many as possible of the channels commonly used by educators. Our WWW Server can be accessed at URL (uniform resource locator): The Gopher Server's address is: or select North America -> USA -> General -> U.S. Department of Education from the All/Other Gophers menu on your system. FTP users can access the information by ftping to: (log on anonymous) E-Mail users can get our catalog and instructions for using our Mail server by sending e-mail to: in the body of the message type send catalog (avoid the use of signature blocks) Please note that: * We do not offer public access Gopher or WWW clients. You must either have an appropriate Gopher or WWW client, such as NCSA Mosaic or Lynx, at your site or be able to telnet to a public access client elsewhere. * You cannot access our public servers by telneting to our site. You will be denied telnet access. * Gopher and Mosaic/Lynx are the preferred access methods. Our FTP directories remain somewhat cryptic and the e-mail server is by its very nature a slow method to get documents. Questions and Comments ---------------------- If you have any suggestions or questions about the contents of the WWW, Gopher, FTP, and Mail servers, please use one of the following addresses: E-mail: Telephone: (202) 219-1547 Fax: (202) 219-1817 Snail Mail: INet Project Manager U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement National Library of Education 555 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Room 214 Washington, D.C. 20208-5725 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psych Web A web site for students and teachers of psychology. There is already lots of useful stuff here for college level psychology majors. Of course there is also info for non-psychologists or those with passing interest in the subject. Loads of links to Internet resources are included here along with search engines, and "top of the web" type jump gates. Now tell me about your net dreams... hmmm... very interesting. Tell me about your dreams... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBC Education WWW server BBC Education On-Line send comments via email to: A great place to look for educational links and other educational sources of information. Includes educational references and much more. This site is expanding and the folks here really do respond to the educational community and the ideas and/or suggestions you may have. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education Showcase Announcing a new Web site dedicated solely to educational and library products and services. Education Showcase provides a single place for you to find products, vendors, and services for schools and libraries. Software producers, publishers, library systems companies, suppliers, and professional organizations all display their products and services through Education Showcase. You can easily browse through the list of products and services or zero in on your needs using the indexes. =========================================================================== ED-TECH This listserv discussion (email messages full of info automatically sent) is focused in Educational Technology and is very well done and a highly informative source of information. To sign up follow these directions: --> send an email message to --> In the subject line type: subscribe =========================================================================== AskERIC (Education Resource Information Clearinghouse) Gopher to: Telnet to: -->log in as "gopher" An Internet site for answering educationally related questions (which is quite a broad and expansive topical base). It is designed for teachers, librarians, students and administrators although the wealth of information is available to the general public also. Every educator should have this address memorized. Use liberally and often. One of the most well respected sites for educational materials on the Internet. ------------------------- Newsletters via Internet Internet-on-a-Disk (The B&R Samizdat Express) to join - send an email message to: Subject line: Join Message body: Include your name, email address and Join Internet on a disk mailing list. ------------------------- KIDSPHER Subscribe by sending email message to: listserv@pittvms.bitnet Subject line: Message body: sub KIDSPHER A mailing list providing a global network for K-12 students and teachers that focuses on technological issues and international communications. ------------------------- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to join send email to: Subject line: Join listserv Message body: subscribe NATO ------------------------- PENPALS to subscribe send a message to the following email address email message to: penpal-l@unccvm.bitnet Subject line: penpal subscribe Message body: subscribe penpal-l ------------------------- Cable News Network Telnet to: -->log in as "mlink" A complete classroom edition of CNN online. Look under Education for the CNN Newsroom Classroom Guide. This is global learning ala Internet! ------------------------- Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature Telnet to: use the word "library" to log-in. Hit D key combo twice to exit. A virtual gold mine of information that is often overlooked. You can use this to perform comprehensive searches through hundreds (thousands?) of magazines published in the US. Search by author, subject, title or keyword to find the resources or articles you're looking for. Your search results are then printed to screen and include a small abstract of the source article and information in regards to the publication it is in. Invaluable! ------------------------- On-Line Complete Ready Reference Gopher to: once connected choose the On-Line Ready Reference menu item When they say 'complete" they really mean it! This site has got to be one of the best general reference sites on the Internet. Contains such things as the Periodic Table of Elements, Webster's Dictionary, Roget's Thesaurus, US telephone area codes, Zip Code directories, Amtrak train schedules, US State Dept. Travel advisories and the list goes on and on... You will be amazed at all the "goodies" in here. One-stop "info-shopping" at its best. Every educator, student and internaut should have this address memorized! =========================================================================== Education Regulations online (EDGAR) please read the following instructions and documentation on EDGAR Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), which the Department has traditionally provided to its discretionary and formula grant recipients only in a printed edition. This is now also available electronically for online browsing and downloading. Composed of Parts 74-86 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, EDGAR governs the administration of discretionary and formula grants awarded by the Dept. Traditionally, EDGAR has been one of the Department's most popular publication with tens of thousands of copies being distributed across the nation to grant recipients and the public each year. While EDGAR continues to be available in print format, it is hoped that this new electronic version will improve service to the Department's customers by offering very rapid access to the regulatory texts for searching citations and printing locally with downloaded files. The online version is the same text as the printed edition with the cover date of January 1, 1995. The different methods of accessing the electronic version of EDGAR are discussed below. Questions about interpreting the provisions of EDGAR or applying them to particular grant awards should be directed to the Dept. of Education grant staff member named in Block 3 of the Grant Award Notification. Readers are encouraged to redistribute this announcement on local area network in their agencies, institutions, and organizations. INTERNET EDGAR is located on the Department's Gopher server. The menu is set up to enable users to view and download each part of EDGAR separately or to download all parts of the publication as a compressed file. The Gopher server also offers software for inflating compressed files locally. Readers can access the electronic version of EDGAR by pointing their Gopher client software to ----> and selecting: --> 4. U.S. Department of Education Programs-General Information/ from the main menu and then selecting: --> 7. Grant-Related Information - Publications and Notices/ from the sub-menu. From all other Gophers, select: North America-->USA-->General-->U.S. Department of Education The material on the ED Gopher server is also available via File Transfer Protocol at -----> (NOTE: The Department does not offer public access Gopher or WWW clients. You cannot access the server through Telnet sessions with the Department's site. Readers will need either an appropriate Gopher or WWW client (e.g., NCSA Mosaic or Lynx) at their sites or must be able to Telnet to a public access client elsewhere.) Comments, suggestions, or questions about the Department's Gopher server can be sent to the following e-mail address: DIAL-IN MODEM In addition, the compressed file of EDGAR is available for downloading on the ED Board BBS. Software for inflating the compressed file locally is available for downloading as well. ED Board is online 24 hours a day (except during system maintenance) and has four 14,400 bps modems with settings of 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity (8-1-N). The bulletin board phone number is (202) 260-9950. To offer comments or suggestions on ED Board or to receive technical assistance contact George Wagner or Terri Wood at this voice phone number --> (202) 708-6775. (NOTE: There is *indirect* INTERNET access to ED Board via the FedWorld BBS. Connect to FedWorld in one of the following ways: Telnet: (or WWW: and follow the selections from the instructions given on the Main Menu for connecting to the Federal Gateway. Once in the Gateway, select the listing for ED Board. FedWorld will connect to ED Board via modem. The help desk number at FedWorld is (703) 487-4608.) submitted by Gregory Vick --- U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC =========================================================================== Dictionary Look-Up WWW Gopher gopher:// gopher:// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERIC/ChESS WWW Site The ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education (ERIC/ChESS) is pleased to announce its new WWW Site. The WWW Site highlights the services of ERIC/ChESS and offers links to valuable Internet resources for social studies education. ERIC/ChESS will continue to develop its site to serve the social studies education community with easy access to world-wide internet resources of value to social studies education. Webmasters and web page writers, please create a link at your site directing viewers to the ERIC/ChESS home page. Any comments and/or suggestions are always welcome! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet Public Library Internet Public Library advances new initiative through innovative delivery of online youth services. The formal opening of the youth services division of the Internet Public Library (IPL), a prototype library of the future, at the School of Information and Library Studies of the University of Michigan was recently announced. Central to accomplishing the library's stated mission of providing "services and information which enhance the value of the Internet to its ever expanding and varied community of users," the IPL youth services division will help point the way to the library of tomorrow, harnessing rapidly changing technology to reinvent library service delivery for a 21st century audience. The IPL youth services division has already made impressive strides toward realizing its ambitious goals with projects and activities that include a writing contest (for children only); an opportunity to communicate with noted children's book authors; an interactive story hour; and opportunities to discover and contribute to a budding list of science projects and experiments. In what must surely be one of the IPL's most innovative ventures, children and contribute to a budding list of science projects and experiments. In what must surely be one of the IPL's most innovative ventures, children and adults alike will be able to submit questions online to such world famous writers as Lois Lowry and Robert Cormier...imagine what it might have been like if our generation had the chance to talk to Dr. Seuss! Best of all, the IPL youth division has been able to develop their online service while maintaining all the excitement and energy young people have come to expect of a visit to the best local libraries. Talking mascots, living folk tales, and endless opportunities for the creative spirit...all these await you at the IPL youth division. Ready for patrons on March 17, 1995, the Internet Public Library is prepared to provide essential library services to a target audience estimated to number 1/4 of the entire American population by the end of the century. Chaired by an assemblage of internationally renowned librarians and leading information industry professionals, the Internet Public Library will offer an exciting vision of the library of tomorrow as envisioned by many of the brightest talents in the field today. Bringing the best features of the community library forward into a new technological environment, IPL seeks to challenge our thinking about new "communities" that will arise in the future and a broader range of services the library of tomorrow might provide. OK - so this explanation might seem a bit lengthy but this is a BRAND NEW venture and a full explanation was necessary. An incredible resource that 'netters all over the world will find useful, educational and informative! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Reading Room FTP to: /inforM/Educational_Resources/ReadingRoom A wonderfully complete library online. Everything from classics to short- stories and beyond. The HistoryPhilosophy section is great for research work and it contains an abundance of works from the movers and shakers in the course of world history. This site will leave you in awe of the power of the Internet for this library really is worth the ftp trip. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------